France to back fight against Boko Haram

French President François Hollande has  promised his administration’s  support for the Multinational Joint Task Force (MJTF) with equipment and intelligence gathering in the fight against terrorism in Nigeria and Africa.

The MJTF is the almost 9,000-strong force constituted by Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon and Benin to fight the Boko Haram sect.

The French President spoke at a joint news conference at the Elsee Palace, with visiting President Muhammadu Buhari who is on a three-day trip to Paris.

The French President also said the fight against Boko Haram and Islamic State jihadists is the same battle.

He warned that Boko Haram had expanded “after declaring its loyalty to IS”.

He said the jihadists’ alliance, announced in March, had given Boko Haram “a source of material resources.”

“We know Boko Haram is linked to Daesh and so receives help, support from this group,” Hollande said, using the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

“To fight Boko Haram is to fight Daesh, and we can no longer single out terrorism according to regions. It is the same terrorism, inspired by the same ideology of death,” the French leader added.

The French President said his government was concerned about the increasing spate of insecurity in Nigeria and West Africa and is ready to render support in tackling extremism.

He said he discussed with President Buhari new strategies of partnership that would enable Nigeria and its neighboring countries – Cameroun, Chad, Niger and Benin Republic – through the joint action of the MJTF to fight the insurgency and restore the peace.


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