Customs boss sends DSS after corrupt officers

The Comptroller-General of Customs, Hameed Ali, has requested for the files of serving Customs officers found to have been involved in corrupt practices in the past with a view to determining their fate over the next few days.

Ali, who formally resumed duties as the new Customs boss last Thursday, said that President Muhammadu Buhari gave him a three-point mandate to reform, restructure and boost Customs revenue.

Senior Customs officials confirmed on Wednesday that Ali has written to the Department for State Security (DSS), requesting that it investigate top Customs officers, especially Customs Area Controllers, Assistant Comptroller-Generals and Deputy Comptroller-Generals to track down their wealth and property across the country.

“It goes beyond sacking them,” an official who did not want to be named said. “Many of them will forfeit illegally acquired property to government in addition to losing their jobs. Some will also be prosecuted. It is the beginning of a new era in Customs. It can no longer be business as usual.”

Customs is one of the most corrupt agencies in the country; with several allegations of bribery trailing senior officials of the service.

“Any importer or agent found culpable for any of these acts going forward will be prosecuted,” said the official. “No more slap on the wrist as it used to happen in the past.


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