Trust is very important in our day to day activities, in every aspect of our life.
While we are sleeping who do we trust? We trust GOD, To keep us alive, is it trust in business,trust in relationship and trust in marriage or in friendship but today, I will be talking about trust in relationship and marriage as a whole.
Trust is a very sensitive words in relationship and marriage, It can not be bought,it has to be built and it's the key success to every relationship and marriage because it's the basic foundation and bedrock. Without trust a relationship will not work and a marriage will fail.
Trust Issues is a very sensitive issue in relationship and marriage which can lead to breakup and divorce.
Slot of marriages has failed not because there was not love, but because love doesn't define trust but trust brings vouching for someone and standing for someone one in every situation, trust also brings we standing beside our partner either ( Husband or Wife) or partner either (boyfriend or girlfriend)through every situation they find themselves.
Trust is about beating your chest for your partner when others distrust them, trust is believing someone blindly without doubt.
Trust is believing the person words and excuses without a second thought.
Distrust is a the destruction to a beautiful relationship and marriage because the foundation is no longer strong and the back bone is removed. Trust is like a building with a solid foundation and strong pillars which makes a relationship and marriage work out and last forever.
Distrust is a building with a weak foundation and weak pillars which makes a marriage to crash,leads to divorce and also leads to heart break in a relationship.
Trust Issues is what weakens a relationship and marriage but I call it a a pest,I call it a bulldozer which destroy a beautiful well built building and home in the twinkle of an eye.
Trust Issues can make a home to break apart and kill the love,affection,trust and happiness between 2 people.
What causes trust issues in relationship and marriage? It's dependent on many factors but after this short music break I will be discussing more about trust issues.
Trust Issues has been a major problem and disaster to every relationship and marriage,it's like a virus that kills faster and it's like a missile that can destroy everything in the twinkle of an eye.
How do encounter trust issues in a relationship and marriage, I will start with the beginning of a relationship between a guy a lady.
The trust is always at the peak,fully charge at 100% without doubt, why do we think it's always like that? The secret behind is that, the relationship is fresh, we believe each other's words and actions and attitude because of the level of trust based on the answers the person gives to our questions when we met he/she and we completely believe it's true and no lies in it.
Just imagine you met a girl, which each an everyone of us have found ourselves in such relationship before, she maybe in a relationship currently and she might not tell you,if it's something serious or not.
This is applicable to the guys also, it could be in either ways but let's take in general.
I will discuss about the guy or girl not telling the person they were in a serious relationship with someone else's.
The person you are meeting didn't tell you that he has a serious partner or she has a serious partner, now you
start going out together the love is fresh,relationship is fresh and everything looks fresh and genuine with a 100%fully loaded trust.In the cause of the relationship, the guy/girl phone rings and he/she refused to pick the call, maybe the number is not stored in the address book and it rings for about 2 to 3 more times and he/she didn't pick but you might ignore the person that called because you trust he/she also because it's a new relationship and everything is fresh but you might ignore it for the first 3 days to 2 weeks because he/she might have said the call is not important or the caller is an ex that is trying to find his/her way back into their life, you will believe the answer and excuse given to you right away without any doubts.
But the moment the person goes outside to pick the call, you might be little worried about the reason he/she did that. You will still ignore it because it's not sending a message of distrust that will lead to trust issues yet.
You will still ignore it, after the 2nd time,3rd time and 4th time but that depends on 3rd time and 4th time but that depends on your nature or partners nature but the moment you or your partner don't feel comfortable with it, you will be bold enough to ask why can't you pick the call in my presence that response will determine your sense of reasoning and you will begin to doubt your boyfriend or girlfriend which will lead to you finding clues through his phone to see how much time he spends on the phone with the caller, if he returns the call, when they texted last, when the caller called last.
The trust issues begins to erupt like a volcano which uproots the foundation of trust. Maintaining trust in a relationship is easy depending on your personality and transparency but trust issues in relationship can't be easily solved compare to that of marriage because there is no commitment and vows involve in relationship which leads to a total disaster and breakup.
The second aspect is about a guy/girl who is in a relationship with someone else presently and he/she might not be feeling the relationship because of one issue or the other and which she has notified you about it and given
you a full gist about the relationship but you said everything is fine by you, you are okay with it and ready to cope
with the circumstances because you feel the chances of you having the guy or lady is 80% certain but in the cause
of this, you might get hurt because you are aware the lady/guy is in a relationship.
You will be so happy you have found a new chap and the Relationship is new and exciting but the trust is fully
charged and strong , even a heavy wind or wave can not shake the trust. But is the story genuine.
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