Importance of women in the society.
Hope we are all having a beautiful Friday morning, I want to say a big shout out to all the mothers and women in every part and corners of the world.
Women are one of the most important creatures in our society, women are like the moon and sun. Which we see on a daily basis, let's imagine, we wakeup on a faithful day and the morning sun that rise from the east and set in the west doesn't come out,how will the morning atmosphere look like? At mid day the sun is not yet out, later at night the moon is not out, how will our world,environment and atmosphere look like? To me,it will look like a dead end,it won't look meaningful and colorful to us, to you how will it look like?
This is how the absence of women in our society will make our world be,just like an atmosphere and world without the morning rising sun,mid day sun and night moon.
The sun gives life to plant, women gives life to living human, they impact values and training to children and also passes knowledge, wisdom and share ideas within the family and society.
The values of women are from generation to generation.
There are so values of women which I will be talking about which are 6 in numbers.
1) The training from a good mother to her children.
2) The attributes of a good mother in the society.
3) The advise of a good mother to her children.
4) The advise of a prominent women in the government
1) The training from a mother to her children.
2) The attributes of a mother in the society.
3) The advise of a mother to her children.
4) The advise from a prominent women in the government
All these values are of great importance because they are imparted into every male and female by a woman and mother in their lives and this is the importance of women in our society.
Mothers impact training to her children right from birth, this continues until they get to their adolescent age and continues until they become adults.
This training becomes part and parcel of them which lives with them where ever they go, the way and manner at which they act, respond,respect,compose themselves and addresses others are based on the training impacted by a mother.
Mothers are role models to their daughters what a daughter becomes is dependent on how her mother trains her, manner of talking also determines the behavior of her mother within the households, those around her, in church gatherings and among relatives.
The way she accommodates others is solely dependent on how her mother accommodates others, the way of tidyness,cleaniness, agility to work, showing love and reproach.
Also some attributes are inborn and most of all attributes are picked from their mothers.
Mothers are mostly said to be the best adviser to their children because they expect the best and also want the
best for their children.
Mothers know the ability, level of understanding,competence and weakness of their children.
They know every characteristics of their children,that is why a child is clever and smart because his mother's
advise is of value and a great leadership skills is develop in their children.
Slot of people say thanks to my mother because she is great, that is why mother's are celebrated globally.
Women have charisma and the power within them is very superior, in government, places of work, offices, churches and place of business. women are widely respected,seen as revisionist, they carry the heart of the people, they are seen as role models to other mothers and children. Their advises to staff, colleagues, workers and citizens or people they govern carries alot of weight and because of that motherly love people tend to take every single words they say serious and adhere to it.
They are known to be a carrier of leaders within any parastatals they find themselves and their advises are like a roaring fire to the people they govern and the society. They become role models to other women who wants to be like them and other daughters. There have been alot of great women which have been a role model to others.
List of prominent women women in the world.
1) Marie Curie
2) Rosa Parks
3) Emmeline Pankhurst
4) Ada Lovelace
5) Rosalind Franklin
6) Margaret Thatcher
7) Angela Burdett Courts.
Eleanor Roosevelt: A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.
Brigham Young: You educate a man; you educate a man, you educate a woman; you educate a generation.
Mark Twain: What would men be without women? Scarce, a mighty scarce.
Madonna: I am tough, I am ambitious and I know exactly what I want,if that makes me a bitch.
Virginia Woolf: As a woman I have no country, as a woman I want no country, As a woman my country is the whole world.
Let's listen to this beautiful song by women
Ian and Sylvia
Little Mix
BJ Chicago Kid
Dino Conner.
Cher (Woman's World)
Willie Clayton
Kenny Thomas
This artist all sang a beautiful song about women
I want to say women are of great importance and they have added values to our world, country and society and we should always show them love, respect and stand up for them because they are the sole of our existence.
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