Heart of a woman

We will be wondering why the heart of a woman, here on this program called women, we will be discussing everything about women.

Brief About The Body Of The Topics:

Women are one of the strongest creatures on earth, which have existed since the creation of man as we all know in the holy books that women are strong in nature. They are very important in our society, environment, within the family, in the life of a man, in every function, in political and religious  gathering and a key player in the life of her husband and children.

I realized that the heart of a woman can be classified in many ways.

But i will say the heart of a woman is like a pot of gold, it is a priceless organ which is so precious like a rare gem. This kind of heart is difficult to be found in men.

The heart of a woman is both spiritual and physical. The spirituality about the heart of a woman is her prayers which is from the bottom of her heart with joy and sadness.

The physicality is about her affection for you and her love ones, A woman will use her physical appearance to show you her feelings and you can know her heartfelt.

The heart of a woman is very deep like an ocean flowing around the corners of the world.

A woman is not a weakling, they are the most courageous person on earth, the heart of a woman is filled with joy, love,happiness,kindness,favor decision of all kind, risk and plans of achievements either career wise, in her relationship, marriage,family or for her kids.

The heart of a woman carries alot of weight, a woman will sacrifice her life, future and happiness. she can loose all the connections within her reach to make her loves ones happy because she is a decision maker.

She expresses what her heart feels. A woman heart is like a glass in a frame when the frame is removed the glass becomes shattered and broken into pieces. The pieces of glass can not be picked or attached together into a whole glass.

It takes time for the heart of a woman to be healed, for a woman to move on in life, it takes alot of time, she needs reassurances to build her trust once again in order to feel love. 

A woman needs alot of words of affirmation because healing of their heart is called a healing process.
To remove hurts off a woman heart, she needs alot of outings to be occupied and engaged with activities she likes.

I used to hear people saying she has a cheap heart because she falls in love easily but the reasons for this is best known to her. 

She could derive happiness accommodating the opposite sex because her heart can only feel compassion with them.

This might be because no one could suit the position of the one her heart wants she could be searching for the one that suits the owner of her heart, the real alpha and cultivator of their heart.

The heart of a woman is fragile that is popularly said by people but do we know that a fragile heart could be as hard as a rock.

Instances when a woman love is taken for granted, she will feel the pain, hurt, heart break and disappointed but with time it heals and during those her trying moments she makes a decision together back on her feet.

The decision could be wrong or right but to her, it's the best reasons that comes to her mind. Her heart doesn't feel pain any longer. It doesn't experience love but lust.

Do we think the women out there who are in one way or the other not feeling love, giving love or experiencing love are wicked?

No, they are not, they have been trained through the hard way not to give love out easily and believe love exist truly because they have been let down countless time without reasons.

A woman heart flow with the way her heart beats, the message her heart sends into her head, that is how she relates with her current environment and atmospheric condition.

Any decision made by a woman is always right to them that is why the opposite sex see their decision as the wrong choice but their decision are made to bring happiness and laughter to them, women are created to be happy and to give happiness.

They are also called mood changer and mood spicer. All women are called a fragile heart carrier but regardless of that they are the strongest creature of all time.

All women have the heart of a lion, they are ready to face any situation in their life regardless the circumstances, they will hold on tight until they achieve their aim.

For instance when a lady has a crush on a guy she ensures, he notice her, if possible she will walk up to him and get this attention or rather get herself in his bed that is why they are called the mission impossible actress.

Their heart and ways is like that of a fierce lion, I call them the lion heart because no matter the degree of hurt, pain, disgrace, sadness, discouragement, resentment, hatred or weight of depression. Their heart is still working and their daily activities continues until their dreams are achieved.

Here on this program i will read some quotes from some historic writer, i will be reading them right away.
the first one is by Steven Benson

*A woman who opens her heart to love you, when its already broken is braver that any person you will meet.

This one is coming from another writer named Gloria Stuart
*A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets

Melanie Griffith
* There is a place you can touch a woman heart that will drive her crazy.

Mathew Jacobson
* A woman's heart is a garden, tend it well and it will spring forth in verdant beauty.

Christian Dior
* Deep in every heart slumbers a dream and the couturier knows it, every woman is a princess.

Pierre De Marivaux
* The heart of a women is never so full of affection that there does not remain a little corner for flattery and love.

Dixie Waters
* The way to a woman's heart might best be reached via a short cut.

Antoine De Sanit
*It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Thomas Carlyle
* A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Honore De Balzac
* The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.

Bryan Burden
* She's a good hearted woman she's been hurt over and over again! And you would expect her to be heartless by now, but her heart is so full of love. That she just continues to love so deeply, All she needs is a good man that will cherish her and give her heart the extra love that it deserves.

Maya Angelou
* A woman's heart must be so hidden  in GOD that a man has to seek him to find her

Henry Loechner
* The heart of a woman is the best mirror you can find

Fawn Waver
*One of the most beautiful things in the world is a woman's heart, it is fragile yet strong, delicate yet resilient, when a woman gives you her heart, she gives her most prized possession. If you love, nurture,cherish and protect it, she will give you the world.

Sometimes i imagine how difficult it is to write about words of the heart but this beautiful writers have made us understand how the heart of a woman is and how if feels within them.

I use to remember when i was growing up seeing those big sisters,aunties that are put in a family way and made young mothers by their partners and denied the right to marriage by their boyfriend or fiancee. 

That dreams of them becoming the best wife,mother and partner becomes shattered because they were abandoned by the man they love and place their confidence on but imagine how they feel deep inside their heart,the pains,sorrows and hurts but alot of them try to move on with life but their heart is hurt. I want every man out there to appreciate their woman and tell her i have your heart and i will protect it.

If you have hurt your woman in one way or the other try to apologies to her and tell her i know you are hurt,i need your heart once more, reassuring her that she means the world to you and make her heart healthy once again and to the woman please take good care of your hearts because its the most precious gift of all man kind.i still remain your host and we come to the end of the show about women and today's topic still remain Heart of a woman.

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