Russian warships may be shutting out Israel's air-force access to Syria

The Israeli air Force has an impressive reputation. As a son of an IAF veteran, I grew up hearing stories and watching runways.

I was told tales of daring dogfights against the Egyptian spitfires in the early days, or the overwhelming casualties the IAF caused to the Egyptian air force during the Six-Day War in 1967 — a total of 452 Arab aircraft were destroyed, 49 of which were aerial victories.

Over the years, the IAF has become more technologically advanced and is now an important part of our national security.

But above all, it has become an important element of our special operations, providing our forces with the ability to reach far, silently and in deadly fashion.

Operations such as OP Babylon — bombing an Iraqi nuclear plant — or Operation Orchard were important milestones in IAF progression and development. Its reputation has since helped the Jewish country rule the sky in a manner that offers us freedom of action, even in such a complex conflict as the Syrian Civil War.

But with the recent developments in Syria, the Russians working to establish a stronger presence in the region, it is likely that the era of the IAF crossing borders as if merely walking over a sidewalk is nearly over.

The Russian navy's Black Sea flagship, the guided missile cruiser Moscow — or Moskva "glory" — left from Sevastopol in Crimea September 24, according to Russian state-controlled media. It is currently located to the west of Latakia, in western Syria.

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