Manchester Arena attack : Children are among the 22 people killed at Ariana Grande concert and 60 injured

Children are Among the 22 killed and around 60 injured in a suicide bombing at the end of an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena. The First victim named as Georgina Bethany Callander.

Police  and security agency believes it was a suicide attack.

Theresa May,the Prime minister says police and security services believe they know the identity of the attacker at Ariana Grande concert,as detectives made a series of arrests this morning.

It is the deadliest terror attack to hit the UK since the 7/7 London bombings in July 2005.

The police say they believe the attacker was carrying an improvised explosive device, which he detonated.

About 21,000 people are reported to have been at the concert at the time of the explosion.

first seen on Mirror News Uk

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