Nigerian embassy told to visit 4 nationals on death row as Indonesia gives 72 hours notice of impending executions

The Indonesia government has given a group of death row inmates 72 hours notice before they face the firing squad. Authorities have been making preparations, with death row drug convicts transferred to Nusakambangan prison island (pictured) where Indonesia puts convicts to death.

Fourteen prisoners are listed for execution, among them four Nigerian nationals, including Humphrey Ejike Jefferson and Michael Tutus Igwe, a Pakistani, one Indonesian woman, a Chinese, and Taiwanese nationals. Lawyers for some of the inmates have told ABC their clients may seek last-minute clemency from President Joko Widodo, meaning their executions could be delayed. 

Meanwhile, Nigerian embassy were told to visit the Nigerian nationals in Cilacap yesterday, July 25 as they could be executed is days, reports Samantha Hawley for ABC Jakarta.

Despite widespread international condemnation from Diplomats and rights groups, President Widodo is determined to push ahead with the execution, insisting Jakarta is fighting a war against drugs and traffickers must be harshly punished.

The country's Attorney-General's office, which oversees executions, would not confirm any details but spokesman Mohammad Rum said: "The time is approaching."

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